We support local products and bring “real” “authentic” and “honesty” to our customers.
Our restaurant participates in the Green Lantern event.
The Green Lantern event is a volunteering event that helps the Japanese agriculture where the self-sufficiency rate is less then 40%.
How this event works…
How this works is that stores that support products from local farmers will put up a banner saying “We support local farmers” and green lanterns with★ (star symbols) on it, in front of their stores. Right now, the self-sufficiency rate of Japanese agriculture is around 40%. If a restaurant uses 50% of their ingredients from local farmers (on a calories based), they get to hang a green lantern with a ★ in front of their stores. If 60% of their ingredients are from local farmers, they get to put a lantern with two ★s on it. If 90% of their ingredients are from local farmers, they get to put five ★s on it and so on. Normally restaurants will get themselves verified but last year there were problems with long-established restaurants that uses the green lanterns as false advertisements. There is a limit to how effective this event could be, as most restaurants care more about profit to local products.。
In order to stop these sorts of false advertisements, only trustable and honest stores are able to participate in this event. In other words, green lanterns symbolize honest and trustable restaurant owners. Therefore we trust the owners and the amounts of ★ s that they put on their lanterns. (Extracted from the introduction of the Green Lantern event) http://midori-chouchin.jp/
When a customer thinks the meal is good, it means that the ingredients used were real deal.
Our restaurant uses chicken meat from Arita and Ariake chicken, and 100%domestic beef and pork. We also buy our rice directly from local farmers.